Privacy Policy

This privacy policy can provide privacy details about how we manage the personal information disclosed by users when using DM Home products and services. If you have any questions, please contact us.

We promise to users

This privacy policy specifies how Fortune Fountains (Asia) Limited collects, uses, discloses, processes and protects the information provided to us by users when using our products and services. This application respects and protects the personal privacy of all users. In order to provide users with more accurate and personalized services, the application will use and disclose the user's personal information in accordance with the provisions of the application privacy policy. Without the prior permission of the user, this application will not disclose such information to the public or provide it to the third parties, and will update this privacy policy from time to time.

In this privacy policy, "personal information" refers to the specific personal data that can be identified after contacting the information itself or other personal information that DM Home can access.


By agreeing to this Application Service and Use Agreement, you are deemed to have agreed to the entire content of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an integral part of this Application Service and Use Agreement.Including any changes we may make from time to time. We promise to protect the privacy, confidentiality and security of the user's personal information in accordance with applicable laws (including the data protection laws of the user's location).

Scope of this Policy

        Any personal registration information provided by you in accordance with the requirements of this application when you register for this application account;

        Any information on your browser and computer including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, user's data such as language, date and time of access, hardware and software feature information, and your requested web page records automatically received and recorded by this application when you use the application web service or access the application platform webpage;

        Any personal data obtained by this application from a business partner through legal channels.



You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this Privacy Policy:

        Keyword information entered by you when you use the search service provided by this application;

        Information collected by this application about the information that you send in this application, including but not limited to participating activities, transaction information and evaluation details;

        Any violation of the law or violation of this application and the actions that this application has taken against you.


What information is collected and how to use it?

We will collect the following information:

        1. Enable Bluetooth license (Android, iOS version): used for device communication with Bluetooth signal when connecting devices; For smart devices connected via Bluetooth, Bluetooth license is also required for communication.

        2. Location permission (Android, iOS version): used to determine the region, home location management, smart device automation, discover nearby smart devices, and discover nearby WLAN list.



Security measures for DM Home

        We promise to ensure the security of users' personal information. In order to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have implemented reasonable physical, electronic and management measures to protect the information we collect from users' mobile devices. We will take all reasonable measures to protect the user's personal information.

        All user's personal information is stored on a secure server and protected in a controlled facility.

        We will take all feasible measures to protect users' personal information. However, users should be aware that the use of the Internet is not always safe. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information during two-way transmission through the Internet.


Retention policy

If it is necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting information, or comply with the requirements or permits of applicable laws, we will always retain personal information. As long as we can reasonably infer that retaining personal information cannot achieve the purpose of collecting personal information, and that it is no longer necessary to retain personal information for legal, dispute resolution, enforcement of our agreement or other business purposes, we will no longer retain personal information, or will eliminate the way to associate personal information with specific individuals.

Other provisions


If the user agrees to the applicable user agreement and there is any inconsistency between such user agreement and this privacy policy, such user agreement shall prevail.


Update of privacy policy

We will regularly review the privacy policy. To reflect changes in our information practices, we may update this privacy policy. If we make major changes to this privacy policy, we will notify users through publishing on our website or through mobile devices, so that users can understand the information we collect and how we use it. Such privacy policy changes will apply from the effective date specified in the notice or website. We recommend that users regularly check this website to obtain the latest information about our privacy practices. Users who continue to use products and services on websites, mobile phones and/or any other devices will be deemed to accept the updated privacy policy. When we collect more personal information from users or we hope to use or disclose the user's personal information for new purposes, we will obtain the user's consent again.


Do I have to agree to any third-party terms and conditions?

Our privacy policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties. When users use third-party products or services, they may also collect user information. We are not responsible for the use of the personal information collected from users by third-party manufacturers, nor can we control their use. Our privacy policy does not apply to other websites linked through our services.


When the user selects any third-party platform or equipment associated with DM Home service, the user will agree that the privacy policy of the third-party platform or service is applicable to the relevant information shared by the user to the platform or service. Please consult the third-party platform or service for specific privacy policy terms.

If users have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy or practice, please send an email to Contact us.


Contact us.


If the user has any comments or questions about this privacy policy, or the user has any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of the user's personal information, please contact our data protection officer through the following ways and mention the "privacy policy":

Fortune Fountains (Asia) Limited


Whatsapp : (852) 97212879

Thank you again for taking the time to understand our privacy policy!